Working Bee


Sat 25 Jan 2025 10:00AM — 12:00PM
Willsmere Station Community Garden, Cnr Willsmere Road & Carnegie Avenue, Kew East, 3102

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Jobs to tackle at this working bee;

1. Weed pathways - while we ask members to weed and keep their adjoining pathway areas tidy, and if you haven't done this recently if you can do this before this coming weekend for those other areas that are more general thoroughfares, especially around the shed, the entrance areas, and the eastern parts of the garden and outside in the fruit forest areas, we want to tidy this up. Hopefully, some potential rain later this week may make this task a little easier to remove the weeds. If we all picked one weed out of a path on each visit, then we would keep on top of this.
2. Pruning ornamental shrubs - the positive of a January with rain is that all our plots and general member areas are thriving. So are the ornamental shrubs. We need to prune the shrubs at the main gate entrance both inside and outside, and the communal areas to the east end of the garden both inside and also in the eastern fruit forest area. While we have some spare 'communal' secateurs, if you can bring your own, that will help. 
3. Preparing to plant a new fruit tree - we have been donated a stone fruit tree. Now is the wrong time of year to plant it out, but we have time to prepare a decent hole to 'transplant' it in March/April - or if it stays 'hot' even into May. Those who can help on the end of a crowbar (we have two) or a long-handle shovel (we gave several) can get involved here. 
4. Note for 22/2 WB - a small tanbark top-up will occur, especially for those areas that missed the second top-up in late '24 before the Fair/5-Year Celebration. The next main tanbark spread will be in August '25 

