Willsmere Station Community Garden, Cnr Willsmere Road & Carnegie Avenue, Kew East, 3102
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
There will be two main goals for this Working Bee; 1 - Weeding the pathways before spreadng a fresh load of Tan-bark mulch (to be confirmed).
2 - Whipper snippering the external grass around the perimeter fence to aid with weeding and reduce weeds/grass encroachment.
Other working bee goals include; - Prune the fruit trees on near the toilet block - Pull-back the passionfruit vine across the ‘roof’ area of the pergola before the growing season - Feed the citrus trees both internally and externally in the fruit forest area - Prune the large rosemary bush. We will aim to cut this in a way that any rosemary not required by garden members can be donated as part of ‘food recovery’ programs - Re-weed the main entrance garden bed - Continue to maintain the raised garden beds and tubs in preparation for spring planting - General member plot 1 maintenance and tidy up – specifically the strawberry planting - Finish pruning the ornamental flowing shrubs adjacent to the compost bins near the main entrance - Selectively hand-weed to Asian garden – the green manure will be dug-in during the August working bee