Working Bee


Sat 25 Feb 2023 10:00AM — 12:00PM
Willsmere Station Community Garden, Cnr Willsmere Road & Carnegie Avenue, Kew East, 3102

Event information

This event has passed.

The maintenance team have assessed the garden & nominated the following tasks to tackle:

  • Removal of tree 'suckers' and unwanted blackberry bushes.
  • A general clean-up of the plywood panels, yellow hose, and brown ‘drip-watering’ hose that have been lying around the pathways. (Note: If anyone can use any of those items at home, please feel free to help yourself before Saturday.)
  • A tidy-up of the garden shed. (Note: please check on any open bags of pea straw/lucerne that you are storing in the shed... we don't want to make the shed too comfortable for any little beasties as the weather turns colder.)
  • Path weeding. Although, many of you have been doing this as you tend your plots ,which means there is not that much internal weeding as in past years – thank you!!
  • The council are due to ‘steam-weed’ the perimeter fence in the next couple of weeks, so our focus will be continuing to remove pathway weeds.
  • A tidy-up, prune and shape of the lavender and creepers near the toilet block.
  • Plant out the unused wicking bed with ‘edible flowers’.
  • Cut back the Salt Bush near the Western Gate (Note: if anyone would like some Salt Bush to dry or to use in floral arrangements, don’t buy it... we have plenty, so again, help yourself!)
